
Sunday, February 17, 2008

We're getting out of here!....

...well, temporarily anyway. We're going to Hawaii! We have long awaited this trip and it's finally going to happen... I think... knock on wood 'cause I don't want to jinx this!

For those of you who are unaware of our lenghthy Hawaii story here it is: We originally planned to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon but in the midst of getting married, Michael started a new job just 30 short days before our wedding and didn't have vacation time for a whole two years! Lame, I know. So, we canceled with the intent to go when we had saved more $$ dough $$ and could cover the expense of Michael missing work too. That never happened...

Then we tried to start a family and about 15 long months later were told we couldn't have children so we started to adopt and again made plans to go to Hawaii thinking "we're adopting so the already born baby/child could just come with us." That's a good plan, right? Well, about 4 months after being told we wouldn't get pregnant on our own we found out we were pregnant, and I was three months along already! This is relavant becuase I would be 35 weeks pregnant when we were supposedly going to Hawaii. So, again we made the decision we thought was in our best interest to stay home, thinking I would be udderly miserable and wouldn't want to travel at that point during my pregnancy. And cancelled our plans for Hawaii again...

(Just a side note, the whole week my family was in Hawaii I felt GREAT!! We should have went but hind sight is 20/20.)

Well, as of last week we had no plans of going to Hawaii and this week we are! We have already bought airline tickets, rented a car, bought new swimsuits and the whole nine yards! And the kicker?, we're going in a week and a half! That's right, I never knew Michael could be so spontaneous. Especially becuase he's such a bear to try to get to travel and have fun anyway (I think he gets that from you Joe!). So... I don't want to jinx anything, but I think it's actually going to happen this time! It will be the best vacation Kamren ever goes on and he's not going to remember any of it!


jayna said...

Have fun being warm and get a tan for me!

Ashley said...

I am soooo jealous! Don't have too much fun. well... okay, I guess you can!

Ashley said...

no... no he does not! why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. That'll be fun...

Amanda Lynne Galbraith said...

hey how was your trip.... i hope you had great fun....

talk to ya later

RoseAnna said...

Hey, I guess if I would have looked at your blog sooner I would have known you were going to Hawaii! How fun for you guys!